30.5.2024, Thursday 16:00 Uhr
Dialog statt Spaltung: Kunst, Wissenschaft und Meinungsfreiheit in polarisierten Zeiten. Ein Gespräch mit Joana Osman und Meron Mendel
- Extended Library, HFBK Hamburg, Lerchenfeld 2, 22081 Hamburg
Moderation: tba.
Joana Osman, born in 1982, is the daughter of a Palestinian father and a German mother. She studied American Studies, Theatre Studies and Art History and co-founded the peace movement "The Peace Factory" in 2012. Her debut novel Am Boden des Himmels was published in 2019 and her autofictional novel Wo die Geister tanzen was published in August 2023. Joana Osman works as an author and lecturer for storytelling and lives with her family near Munich.
Meron Mendel was born near Tel Aviv in 1976 and spent his childhood and youth in the kibbutz Mashabe Sade. He studied history, education and Jewish history in Haifa and Munich. Meron Mendel was already involved in peace initiatives during his youth and studies. He has been director of the Anne Frank Bildungsstätte in Frankfurt am Main since 2010. Since 2021, he has also been Professor of Transnational Social Work at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. His book Über Israel reden. Eine deutsche Debatte (Kiepenheuer & Witsch) was nominated for the German Non-Fiction Prize 2023. Meron Mendel and Saba-Nur Cheema have been involved in Jewish-Muslim dialogue for years, working against anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim sentiment and focusing in particular on the impact of the Middle East conflict on our coexistence in Germany. Together they write the monthly column "Muslimisch-Jüdisches Abendbrot" in the FAZ.
Siri Keil lives in Hamburg, works as a cultural journalist and author for radio, as a narrator for audio and film productions, as an event presenter with various stage formats and is a member of the Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen (NdM). As a cultural educator with a focus on the pluralisation of memory cultures in the post-migrant society, she has designed event and educational formats and has been working for Kampnagel since autumn 2023.