Working Group Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Working Group Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
The HFBK Hamburg has set itself the goal of developing its own perspective and individual strategy within the framework of the Hamburg Master Plan ESD 2030, with which the topic of sustainability can be thought of in the context of art and advanced institutionally as a whole at the university. This is taking place in the context of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Germany, which aims to make sustainability an integral part of teaching, research and operations at universities. At the HFBK Hamburg, a working group appointed by the university senate was constituted in the summer semester of 2021 to discourse the concept of sustainability and to relate it in a meaningful way to the processes of the HFBK Hamburg with corresponding development paths. The working group sees itself as an emitter on the way to a sustainable development concept for the university. It is deliberately open and interdisciplinary in order to create a participatory working culture in which teachers, staff and students can contribute their ideas and suggestions for the HFBK Hamburg.
Spokespersons of the ESD working group of the HFBK Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich von Borries
- Lutz Jelinski
- Megan Auer & Nalie Schweizer (Student representatives)
Your contact person
Anna Reuß
Academic Affairs
Room: 144b Le
Phone: +49 40 42 89-250
Cooperation with the Action Network Sustainability in Culture and Media / german: Aktionsnetznetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit in Kultur und Medien (ANKM)
In order to strategically implement aspects of sustainability at the HFBK Hamburg, the working group agreed to cooperate with an external project partner. For this purpose, the Action Network Sustainability in Culture and Media (ANKM)was acquired, which deals with operational ecological structures, climate protection and sustainability in cultural institutions throughout Germany. With its modular offer, the network supports the participatory approach of the HFBK Hamburg: On the one hand, the ESD working group is actively involved in the process of sustainable development of the university as a university-owned committee, and on the other hand, topics such as artistic freedom, alterity and exnovation are linked with rational approaches to climate accounting and sustainability management.
A workshop held by the ANKM with the working group in the winter semester 2021/22 marks the start of the development of a sustainability strategy at the HFBK Hamburg. As a first action, the university has decided on the joint preparation of a CO2 balance. Collecting and understanding indicators and emissions source data are an important step toward strategically addressing the issue of sustainability, as far as determining a status quo allows for a valid understanding of levers, measures and their effectiveness at the HFBK Hamburg. The corresponding data will be collected and evaluated in coordination with the working group and the necessary contact persons at the university in the summer semester of 2022.