12.12.2024, Thursday 11:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Ex libris book fair
- Extended Library, HFBK Hamburg
Ex Libris is an independent book fair focussing on artists' books, design and publishing. In addition to the book fair, there are also programmes - workshops, book presentations, performances, readings and discussions.
- Adocs Verlag
- Ankerwechsel Verlag
- Common Imprint
- Felder Books Berlin
- From the Table to the Shelf
- Hara Shin
- Julia Biedasiek, Carla Günther, Jana Konrad
- Laura Mahnke
- Materia Publishing
- Materialverlag
- Nomad Papaya
- Monochromator magazine
- Pantograph
- Ribes Books
- Sergej Hufnagel
- SofortBooks & Risofort
- Textem Verlag
- weko pressure
- Yuan Xue
+ (via sharing bookshelf) Ayşe Ateş/Blanka Győri/Bureaukratisk Presseselskab/Bjørg Elttør & Leonidas Kosmidis/Cora Durmann/Eda Aslan & Nurgül Dursun/Emma Maiwald/Finn Longwitz & Philipp Kästle/Living Room/Jasmin Hantl/Jiôn Kiim/Jiyu Hong/Other Books and Code/Sophia Leitenmayer
Discussion 12:00–1 pm
Around the bookshelf – the act of publishing
by Kenneth Ting-Yu Lin
Workshop 1:00–2:00 pm
Chinese name zine workshop
by Zhaoyuefan (Nomad Papaya)
Talk event 2:30–3:30 pm
Ensayo 7: Marianne Wex’s “Let Us Get Back Our Space”, a Case Study
by Mela Dávila Freire
Talk event (online) 4:00–5:00 pm
Faire, Faire, Faire, Faire again
by François Havegeer & Sacha Léopold (Empire, Revue Faire)
Reading performance 5:30–6:30 pm
Ari Cho/Materia Publishing/Ayşe Ateş
Field recording 11:00 am–7:00 pm
Ex Libris: Reasons On Coils
by Julia Koch