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Ehemalige Professor*innen und Gastprofessor*innen

Dies ist eine ständig wachsende Liste. Hinweise sind herzlich willkommen an


  • Marina Abramović, Professorin, Freie Kunst, 1992-1996
  • Vito Acconci, Gastprofessor, Visuelle Kommunikation, Sommersemester 1979
  • René Charles Acht, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1963-1965
  • Georges Adéagbo, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 2017/18
  • Friedrich Adler, Professor, Entwurf, Gestaltung, 1906-1933
  • Reza Afisina, DAAD-Gastprofessor, Theorie und Geschichte, 2022-2023
  • Giorgos Agritellis, Gastprofessor, Architektur, 1974-1976
  • Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann, Direktor, Professor, Malerei, 1946–1951
  • Fujio Akai, Gastprofessor, Visuelle Kommunikation, Wintersemester 1979
  • Fatih Akin, Student 1994-2000, Gastprofessor, Film, 2005-2006
  • Joachim Albrecht, Professor, Bildnerisches Gestalten, 1966-1979
  • Kurd Alsleben, Professor, Industrial Design, Computerei, 1970-1993
  • Hans-Peter Alvermann, Freie Kunst, Gastprofessor, 1972-1973
  • Hans Andree, Professor, Typografie, Grafik, 1977-2003
  • Walter Arno (Walter Arno Beckmann), Professor, Malerei, 1958-1962
  • Armen Avanessian, Gastprofessor, Theorie und Geschichte, 2020-21
  • Joannis Avramidis, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 1966-1967


  • Monika Baer, Gastprofessorin, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2008-2009
  • Jacob Bakema, Professor, Architektur, 1965-1979
  • Stephan Balkenhol, Student, Gastprofessor 1988-1989
  • Hinrich Baller, Professor, Architektur, 1972-2001
  • Eduard Bargheer, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1957-1958
  • Raimund Bauer, Professor für Bühnenbild, 1997-2023
  • Lothar Baumgarten, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1983-1984
  • Bernhard Becher, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1971-1972
  • Hilla Becher, Gastprofessorin, Freie und angewandte Grafik, 1972-1973
  • Klaus Becker, Gastprofessor, Kunst u. Design, 2001-2003
  • Willy von Beckerath, Professor, Monumentalmalerei, 1907-1930
  • Walter Arno Beckmann, siehe Walter Arno
  • Abraham Beer, Professor, Architektur, 1974-1977
  • Fritz Behnke, Professor, Malerei, 1919-1931
  • Klaus Bendixen, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1961-1989
  • Max Bense, Professor, Ästhetik/Kunstgeschichte, 1966-1976
  • Kai Bernau, Gastprofessor, Grafik/Typografie/Fotografie, 2014-2015
  • Miguel Berrocal, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei/Metallplastik, Sommersemester 1966
  • Dr. Christian Beutler, Professor, Kunstwissenschaften, 1971-1988
  • Michael Beutler, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, Sommersemester 2018
  • Joseph Beuys, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Februar 1970 (Seminar), Wintersemester 1974-75
  • Gilliaume Bijl, Gastprofessor, 1995 (November-Dezember)
  • Max Bill, Professor, Umweltgestaltung, 1967-1974
  • Jürgen Birth, Professor, Industrial Design, 1974-2001
  • René Block, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1980-1981
  • Anna Blume, Lehrbeauftragte/Professorin, Gebrauchsgrafik, 1988-89
  • Bernhard Johannes Blume, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1987-2002
  • Claus Böhmler, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1974-2005
  • Peter Bömmels, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Wintersemester 1986/87
  • Paul Bollmann, Lehrer, Malerei, 1934-1944
  • Ecke Bonk, Professor, Typographie (Typosophie), 2004-2005
  • Jan Bontjes van Beek, Professor, Keramik, 1960-1966
  • Johann Michael Bossard, Professor, Bildhauerei, 1906-1944
  • Francis Bott, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1962-1963
  • Kerstin Brätsch, Gastprofessorin, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2017-2018
  • Andreas Brandt, Professor, Industrial Design, 1983–2001
  • Otto Brandt, Professor, Fachzeichnen, Werkstattunterricht für Holzbildhauer, 1908-1929
  • Wilhelm Bredies, Professor, Holzverarbeitung, 1947-1966
  • Willi Breest, Professor, Dekorationsmalerei, 1936-1945 und 1946-1952
  • KP Brehmer, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1971–1997
  • Kilian Breier, Professor, Industrial Design/Fotografie, 1966–1999
  • Dagmar Bremer, Gastprofessorin, Architektur, 1981-1983
  • Maria Brinckmann, Professorin, Kunststickerei, Gobelinwerk, 1909-1932
  • Bazon Brock, Professor, Ästhetik, 1965-1976
  • Konrad Brockstedt, Bildnerisches Gestalten, Gastprofessor, 1964-1966
  • Stanley Brouwn, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1979-2000
  • Werner Bunz, Professor, Freie Kunst/Schrift, 1955-1991
  • Daniel Buren, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1981 (Januar, Februar)
  • John Burgan, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1978
  • Victor Burgin, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 1978/79
  • Hans Günther Burkhardt, Professor, Architektur, 1976-2006
  • Marie José Burki, Professorin, Videokunst, 2003-2009
  • Herbert von Buttlar, Präsident, 1964-1976
  • Werner Büttner, 1989-2021


  • Arno Caprez, Gastprofessor, Grafik, 1976
  • Rolf Cavael, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Sommersemester 1955
  • Andreas Christen, Gastprofessor, Design, 1971-1972
  • Henning Christiansen, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1989-1997
  • Michael Clegg, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1989-1990
  • Dieter von Collani, Gastprofessor, Architektur, 1981-1982
  • Stefan Claudius, Gastprofessor, Grafik/Typografie/Fotografie, 2010-2011
  • Phil Corner, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Mai 1984, Juni 1985
  • Enzo Cucchi, Gastprofessor, 1987 (Juni)
  • Carl-Achim Czemper, Professor, Industrial Design, 1973-2000
  • Carl Otto Czeschka, Professor, Malerei, Flächenkunst und Grafik, 1907-1943


  • Hanne Darboven, Studentin, Ehrenprofessorin 2000-2009
  • Pepe Danquart, Professor für Dokumentarfilm, 2008-2022
  • Franz Karl Delavilla, Professor, Malerei, 1909-1913
  • Clémentine Deliss, Gastprofessorin für Theorie und Geschichte, 2019-2021
  • Günther Dettmann, Professor, Architektur, 1957-1989
  • Dr. Michael Diers, Professor, Kunstgeschichte, 2004-2017
  • Stephan Dillemuth, Gastprofessor, 2002-2004
  • Jochen Distelmeyer, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 2017-2018
  • Sam Durant, Gastprofessor, für Zeitbezogene Medien, 2018-2020
  • Johanna Dehio, Gastprofessorin für Design, 2020
  • Yilmaz Dziewior, Ehrenprofessor, 2001-2008


  • Bogomir Ecker, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1993-2002
  • Alfred Ehrhardt, Professor, Grundklasse, 1930-1933
  • Marion Ellwanger, Gastprofessorin, Textildesign, 2008-2010
  • Engel, Udo A., Student, Professor für Animantionsfilm, 2008-2023
  • Martin Engelmann, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Wintersemester 1968/69
  • Antje Eske-Alsleben, Professur, Orientierungsstudien, 1975-1985
  • Valie Export, Gastprofessorin, Freie Kunst, 1990-1991


  • Joseph Fassbender, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Wintersemester 1954/55
  • Dr. Harald Falckenber, Ehrenprofessor, Theorie und Geschichte, 2008-2023
  • Roberto Feo / Rosario Hurtado, Gastprofessur, Design, 2009-2010
  • Gerhard Fietz, Gastprofessor, Malereei, 1953-1954
  • Robert Filliou, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1982-1983
  • Ceal Floyer, Gast- u. Vetretungsprofessorin, Bildhauerei, 2014-2015, Wintersemester 2016/17
  • Hartmut Frank, Professor, Architektur, -2006, Vizepräsident, 2001-2002
  • Dr. Chup Friemert, Professor, Design-Geschichte u. Theorie, 1976-2012
  • Rudi Fuchs, 1983 (Januar), 1986 (Juni)


  • Else Gabriel, Professorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung, 1997-2004
  • Theo Gallehr, Professor, Film, 1972-1975
  • Theodor Garve, Professor, Zeichen- und Entwurfsklasse, 1956-1965
  • Geelke Gaycken, Professorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung, 2012-2019
  • Isa Genzken, Studentin, Gastprofessorin, 1990
  • Andrew Gilbert, Gastprofessor, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2020-21
  • Lazlo Glozer, Professor, Neue Ästhetik, 1981-2001
  • Adrienne Goehler, Präsidentin, 1989-2001
  • Peter Gorges, Professor, Architektur, 1971-2006
  • Dan Graham, Freie Kunst, versch. Gastprofessuren 1976, 1989-1993
  • Gotthard Graubner, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1969-1992
  • Konstantin Grcic, Ehrenprofessor, Design, 2020-2024
  • Georg Gresko, Professor, Mal- und Zeichenklasse, 1957-1962
  • Willem Grimm, Professor, Malerei, 1946-1969
  • Hans Dietrich Gropp, Professor, Bau- und Kunstgeschichte, 1969-1975
  • Silke Grossmann, Professorin, Fotografie, 1995-2016
  • Hans Grubenbecher, Professor, Fotografie, 1913-1952
  • Dr. Harald Gründl, Gastprofessor, Design, 2010-2011
  • Johannes Grützke, Bildnerisches Gestalten, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 1976/77
  • Prof. F. C. Gundlach, Ehrenprofessor, 2000-2021
  • Max Günther, Professor, Fachzeichnen für Tischler u. Kunstschlosser, 1912-1941
  • Renato Guttuso, Malerei, Gastprofessor, Sommersemester 1968


  • Hans Haacke, Freie Kunst, Gastprofessor, Sommersemester 1973, Sommersemester 1976
  • Zaha Hadid, Gastprofessorin, Architektur, Wintersemester 1997/98
  • Ingo Haeb, Professor Grundlagen/Orientierung Film, 2006-2012
  • Jonas Hafner, Professor, Künstlerische Grundlagen der Gestaltung, 1989-2006
  • Werner Haftmann, Dozent, Kunstgeschichte, 1951-1955
  • Michael Haller, Professor, Industrial Design, Visuelle Kommunikation, Medien, 1972-2009
  • Erich Hartmann, Dozent, Malerei, 1946-1957
  • Philipp Hartmann, Professor für FIlm, 2023
  • Iswanto Hartono, DAAD-Gastprofessor, Theorie und Geschichte, 2022-2023
  • Gustav Hassenpflug, Professor für Architektur, Direktor, 1950-1956
  • Ivo Hauptmann, Dozent, Malerei, 1955-1965
  • Erich Hauser, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 1974-1976
  • Rudolf Hausner, Professor, Zeichnen, 1965-1980
  • Werner Hebebrand, Professor, Architektur, 1953-1964
  • Thilo Heinzmann, Gastprofessor, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2016-2017
  • Hans Heller, Lehrer, Architektur, Innenraumgestaltung, 1907-1917
  • Dietrich Helms, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1965-1998
  • Paul Helms, Professor, Grafik, 1908-1945, Direktor, 1942-1945
  • Uwe Henneken, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 2009-2010
  • Mike Hentz, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1989-1996
  • Helmut Herbst, Gastprofessor, Film, 1976-1977
  • Karl Ernst Herrmann, Professor, Bühnenbild, 1980-1982
  • Monika Hielscher, Dokumentarfilm, Gastprofessorin, 1980-1981
  • Margret Hildebrand (Reichelt-Hildebrand), Professorin, Textildesign, 1956-1981
  • Gregor Hildebrandt, Gastprofessor, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2014-2015
  • John Hilliard, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 1980 (November)
  • Alfred Hilsberg, Gastprofessor, Medienarbeit, 1974-1976
  • Jochen Hiltmann, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1967-2001
  • David Hockney, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1969
  • Heinrich Hohle, Professor, Fachzeichnen, 1890-1925
  • Tom Holert, Gastprofessor für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaft, 2022-2023
  • Olaf Holzapfel, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 2008-2009
  • Achim Hoops, Professor, Grundlagen/Orientierung, 1986-2019
  • Dieter Hoor, Professor, Architektur, 1963-1996
  • Eduard Hopf, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Sommersemester 1957
  • Edgar Horstmann, Professor Architektur/Innenarchitektur, 1946-1966
  • Alfred Hrdlicka, Gastprofessor, Figürliches Gestalten, 1973-1974, November 1980
  • Stephan von Huene, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1980
  • Alfonso Hüppi, Gastprofessor, Bildnerisches Gestalten, 1961-1964
  • Beata Huke-Schubert, Professorin, Architektur, Öffentliches Baurecht, 1984-2006, danach HCU
  • Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Wintersemester 1958/59


  • Arthur Illies, Professor, Malerei, 1908-1933
  • Jörg Immendorff, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Sommersemester 1982
  • Verena Issel, Gastprofessorin Kunstpädagogik 2019-2020


  • Dr. Georg Jappe, Professor, Ästhetik, 1975-2001
  • Olav Christopher Jenssen, Professor, Malerei,
  • Allen Jones, Gastprofessor, Grafik, 1968-1970
  • Rolf Julius, Interdisziplinäre Fächer, Gastprofessor, 1987-1988
  • Isaac Julien, Gastprofessor, Videokunst, 2006-2007
  • Dorota Jurczak, Studentin, Gastprofessorin, Malerei/Zeichnen, Wintersemester 2015/16


  • Maurizio Kagel, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 1982/83
  • Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, Ehrenprofessor, 2017-2016
  • Luise King, Architektur, Gastprofessorin, 14. Januar-15. Februar 1980, Juni 1986
  • Jürgen Klauke, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1980-1981
  • Astrid Klein, Design, Gastprofessorin, Sommersemester 1985
  • Anton Kling, Professor, Malerei, 1908-1922
  • Gustav Kluge, Dozent, Malerei, 1978-1985
  • Karl Kluth, Professor, Malerei, 1952-1965
  • Milan Knizak, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst (Mai)
  • Bernd Koberling, Professor, Malerei, 1981-1988
  • Aleksander Kobzdej, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1965-1966
  • Kasper König, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 1982/83
  • Wilhelm Körner, Professor, Dokumentarfotografie, 1974-2011 (?)
  • Korpys/Löffler (Andrée Korpys, Markus Löffler), Zeitbezogene Medien, Gastprofessoren, 2007-2008
  • Joseph Kosuth, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1988
  • Dr. Fritz Kramer, Professor, Visuelle Anthropologie / Kunsttheorie, 1989-2007
  • Harry Kramer, Gastprofessor, Fotografie, Sommersemester 1965
  • Kurt Kranz, Professor, Grundklasse, 1950-1972
  • Gereon Krebber, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 2010-2011
  • Ernst-Ludwig Kretzer, Professor, Kunstpädagogik, 1973-2011
  • Vlado Kristl, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1979-1997
  • Erwin Krubeck, Gebrauchsgraphik, 1946-1962
  • Rainer Küchenmeister, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1966-1967
  • Friedhelm Kürpig, Professor, Konstruktive Geometrie, 1978-2007


  • Karl Lang, Assistent Karl Schneider, 1932-1933
  • Berto Lardera, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 1958-1959
  • Oliver Laric, Gastprofessor Bildhauerei WiSe 2021/22
  • Annika Larsson, Professorin für Grundlagen/Orientierung Zeitbezogene Medien, 2017-2023
  • Dr. Matthias Lehnhardt, Professor, Visuelle Kommunikation/ Zeitbezogene Medien, 1979-2014
  • Van Bo Le-Mentzel, Design, Gastprofessor, 2015
  • Ida Lennartson, Gastprofessur, 2019
  • Jochen Lempert, Gasprofessor, Fotografie, 2007-2008
  • Dr. Hans-Joachim Lenger, Professor, Philosophie, 1983-2019
  • Daniel Libeskind, Gastprofessor, Architektur, 1996 (April-September)
  • Justin Lieberman, Gastprofessor, Zeitbezogene Medien, Sommersemester 2018
  • LIGNA (Ole Frahm, Michael Hueners, Torsten Michaelsen), Gastprofessoren, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2012-2013
  • Otto Lindig, Professor, Keramik, 1947-1960
  • Richard Lindner, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Sommersemester 1965
  • Michael Lingner, Professor, Interdisziplinäre Fächer, 1993-2015
  • Alexa Lixfeld, Design, Gastprofessorin, 2007-2008
  • Julia Lohmann, Professorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung Design, 2011-2017
  • Kurt Londenberg, Professor, Pappe, Papier, Kunststoff, 1954-1980
  • Susanne Lorenz, Professorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung Design, 2006-2011
  • Dirk Luckow, Ehrenprofessor, 2016-2023
  • Richard Luksch, Professor, Bildhauerei, 1907-1936
  • Arnold Lyongrün, Dozent, Malerei 1907-1908


  • Hermann Maetzig, Professor, Architektur 1919-1934, Direktor 5.4.1933-17.4.1934
  • Alfred Mahlau, Professor, Grafik, 1946-1959
  • Burkhard Manger, Gastprofessor, Bühnenbild, 1976-1977
  • Gerhard Marcks, Professor, Bildhauerei, 1945-1950
  • Enzio Mari, Ehrenprofessor, 2000-2020
  • Mirjana Markovic-Ronai, Teilzeit-Professorin, Architektur, 1997-1999
  • Lene Markusen, Studentin, Professorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung, 2011-2017
  • Anne Marr, Professorin, Textildesign, 2001-2008
  • Dr. Barbara Martwich, Professorin, Architektur, ab 1978
  • Nick Mauss, Gastprofessor, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2011-2012
  • Almir Mavignier, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1965–1990
  • Maria May, Dozentin, Textilentwurf, 1945-1955
  • Birgit Megerle, Gastprofessorin, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2012–2013
  • Hugo Meier-Thur, Professor, Typografie, Grafik, 1910-1943
  • Michaela Melián, Gastprofessorin, Professorin, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2006-2008, 2010-2023
  • Georg Meistermann, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1953-1955
  • Gerhard Merz, Gastprofessor, 1980 (Juni)
  • Olaf Metzel, Garprofessor, Bildhauerei, 1986-1987
  • Richard Meyer, Direktor, 1905-1930
  • Hans Michel, Professor, Grafik, 1963-1985
  • Rune Mields, Gastprofessor, 1983 (Januar)
  • Elfie Mikesch, Professorin (Vertretung), Visuelle Kommunikation, 1990-1992
  • Wilfried Minks, Professor, Bühnenbild, 1967-1995
  • Christiane Möbus, Gastprofessorin, Freie Kunst, 1981-1982
  • Else Mögelin, Dozentin, Weberei, 1945-1952
  • Jörg (Georg) Möller, Professor, Grundlagen, 1967-1995
  • Heiner Moldenschardt, Professor, Architektur, 1975-1994
  • Jonathan Monk, Gastprofessor, 2006-2007
  • Holger Moths, Professor, Architektur / Tragkonstruktion / tragkonstruktives Entwerfen, 1996-2004
  • Stefan Müller, Gastprofessor, Malerei/Zeichnen, Wintersemester 2013/14
  • Matt Mullican, Professor, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2009-2018


  • Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Wintersemester 1953/54
  • Werner Nekes, Professor, Film, 1969-1972
  • Rüdiger Neumann, Professor, Experimenteller Film, 1977-2007
  • Carsten Nibbes, Professor, Architektur/Städtebau, 1991-2004
  • Wilhelm Niemeyer, Professor, Kunstgeschichte, 1910-1930, 1933-1938
  • Godber Nissen, Professor, Architektur, 1956-1971
  • Herrmann Nitsch, Gastprofessor, Grafik, 1984-1985
  • Nishikawa Katsuhito, Ehrenprofessor, 2000-2006
  • Maria Nordman, Gastprofessorin, Wintersemester 1993/94


  • Dr. Hans Werner von Oppen, Professor, Direktor, 1957-1964
  • Anna Oppermann, Studentin, Gastprofessorin, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1976, 1980 (Juni)
  • Dr. Michaela Ott, Professorin für Ästhetische Theorien, 2005-2022
  • Theo Ortner, Professor, Angewandte Malerei und Sgraffito, 1945-1965
  • Eva Orbanz, Gastprofessorin, Film, 1977 (Juli)


  • Nam June Paik, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1977
  • Eduardo Paolozzi, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 1961-1962
  • Benjamin Patterson, Gastprofessor 1992 (August-Dezember)
  • Dr. Goerd Peschken, Professor, Architektur, 1975-1996
  • Walter Peterhans, Professor, Grundklasse, 1959-1960
  • Dan Peterman, Gastprofessor, Sommersemester 1997
  • Katharina Pethke, Professorin für Grundlagen/Orientierung Film, 2012-2019
  • Friederike Pezold, 1985 (Februar)
  • Peter John Phillips, Gastprofessor, 1968-1969
  • Gerhard Pichler, Professor, Architektur / Tragkonstruktion / tragkonstruktives Entwerfen, 1990 – 1994
  • Peter Piller, Gastprofessor, Visuelle Anthropologie, 2005-2006
  • Dr. Udo Pillokat, Bühnenbild, Angewandte Dramaturgie, Assistent, 1970-1973, Professor 1982-1999
  • Theo Pinkus, Gastprofessor, Sommersemester 1983
  • Hans Platschek, Gastprofessor, 1980 (November)
  • Thomas Pletzinger, Gastprofessor, Grafik/Typografie/Fotografie, Wintersemester 2010/11
  • Sigmar Polke, Gastprofessor 1970/71, Professor 1977-1991
  • Eberhard Pook, Professor, Architektur, 1971-2001
  • Marjetica Potrč, Professorin, Design, 2011-2018


  • Olaf Quantius, Gastprofessor, Bildhauerei, 2016-2017


  • Peter Raacke, Professor, Industrial Design, 1968-1993
  • Johannes Paul Raether, Gastprofessor, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2013-2014
  • Dieter Rams, Professor, Industrial Design, 1981-1997
  • Wolfgang Ramsbott, Professor, Film, 1965-1969
  • Hermann Rau, Professor, Architektur, 1971-1996
  • Nina Rhode, Gastprofessorin, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2015-2016
  • Daniel Richter, Student, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 2002-2003, 2008
  • Gerhard Richter, Gastprofessor, Grafik, Sommersemester 1967
  • Nicola Richter, Gastprofessorin, Design, 2007-2008
  • Manfred Rieck, Professor, Architektur, 1972-2000
  • Günter Rochelt, Professor, Industrial Design, 1987-2004
  • Martin Rögener, Professor, Kunstpädagogik, 1974-2005
  • Gerd Roscher, Professor, Visuelle Kommunikation, 1973-2008
  • Ulrike Rosenbach, Visuelle Kommunikation, Gastprofessorin, 1980 (Dezember)
  • Lambert Rosenbusch, Professor, Industrial Design, 1969-2005
  • Dieter Roth, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Wintersemester 1982/83
  • Ernst Röttger, Professor, Grundklasse Malerei, 1966-1967
  • Peter Rübsam, Gastprofesssor, Bildhauerei, 1984-1985
  • Gerhard Rühm, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1972-1995
  • Reiner Ruthenbeck, Professor, Bildhauerei, 1975-1976
  • Dr. Marcus Ray Recht, Gastprofessor für Kunstpädagogik, 2018-2020


  • Helke Sander, Professorin, Film, 1981-2003
  • Yorgos Sapountzis, Gastprofessor, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2016-2017
  • Stefan Sasse, Gastprofessur, Design/Technische Mechanik, 2001-2005
  • Nadiya Sayapina, Gastlektorin, zeitbezogene Medien, WiSe 2021-22
  • Eran Schaerf, Professor, Mixed Media, 2000-2006
  • Edwin Scharff, Professor, Bildhauerei, 1946-1955
  • Thomas Scheibitz, Bildhauerei, Gastprofessor, 2004, 2014
  • Otto Schild, Professor, Keramik, 1969-1981
  • Fritz Schleifer, Dozent Vorklasse, später Architektur, 1930-1933 u. 1945-1958
  • Eske Schlüters, Zeitbezogene Medien, Gastprofessorin, 2009-2010, Sommersemester 2015
  • Richard Schmidt, Architektur, 1907-1939
  • Jochen Schmith (Carola Wagenplast, Peter Hoppe, Peter Steckroth), Zeitbezogene Medien, Gastprofessor 2011-2012
  • Arne Schmitt, Grafik/Typografie/Fotografie, Gastprofessor, 2015-2016
  • Gregor Schneider, Freie Kunst, Gastprofessor, 2000-2002
  • Karl Schneider, Professor, Architektur, 1930-1933
  • Paul Schneider-Esleben, Professor, Architektur, 1961-1972
  • Alexander Schönauer, Professor, Goldschmiedekunst, 1906-1931
  • Hermann Carl Schröder, Professor, Malerei, 1899-1935
  • Karl Schubert, Professor, Interdisziplinäre Fächer, 1955-1978
  • Paul Schneider-Esleben, Professor, Architektur, 1960-1970
  • Thomas Schütte, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, Sommersemester 1986
  • Emil Schumacher, Professor, Malerei, 1959-1960
  • Norbert Schwontkowski, Professor, Malerei, 2005-2009
  • William Scott, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1965-1966
  • Wolf Seesselberg, Teilzeit-Professor, Filmarchitektur, 1984-2006
  • Fritz Seitz, Professor, Interdisziplinäre Fächer, 1962-1992
  • Gustav Seitz, Professor, Bildhauerei, 1958-1969
  • Richard von Sichowsky, Professor, Typografie, 1946-1972
  • Wiebke Siem, Bildhauerei, Gastprofessorin, 2000-2001, Professorin 2002–2008
  • Katharina Sieverding, Gastprofessorin, 1991-1992
  • Roman Signer, Gastprofessor, 1987 (Juli)
  • Kiki Smith, Gastprofessorin, Freie Kunst, 1996 (Januar, Februar)
  • Jack Smith, Gastprofessor, 1983 (Juli)
  • Noemi Smolik, Professorin, Kunstgeschichte/Kunsttheorie, 2002-2004
  • Christiane Sörensen, Professorin, Landschaftsarchitektur, 1989-2006
  • Adnan Softic, Film, Gastprofessor 2014-2015
  • Aleen Solari, Gastprofessur, 2019
  • Ralph Sommer, Professor für Konzeptdesign, 1995-2021
  • Warren Sonbert, Gastprofesssor, 1982 (Mai)
  • Peter Sonntag, Gastprofessor, Experimentelles Arbeiten, 2001-2003
  • Dirk Skreber, Malerei/Zeichnen, Gastprofessor, 2008-2009
  • Daniel Spoerri, Gastprofessor, 1980, (Juni)
  • Natalia Stachon, Verrtretungsprofessorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung, 2015-2016
  • Robert Stadler, Design, Gastprofessor, 2008-2009
  • Michael Staffa, Professor, Architektur, 1998-2005
  • Eduard Steinbach, Professor, Zeichnen, 1906-1939
  • Marcus Steinweg, Gastprofessor, Zeitbezogene Medien, 2014-2015
  • Dr. Otto Stelzer, Professor, Kunstgeschichte, 1955-1970
  • Friedemann von Stockhausen, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1993-1994
  • Norbert Stratmann, Gastprofessor, Freie Kunst, 1975-1976
  • Kai Sudeck, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1962-1993
  • Christian Wouter Suselbeek, Professor, Architektur, 2000-2006


  • Hans Thalgott, Professor, Architektur, 1971-2006
  • Hans Thiemann, Malerei, Gastprofessor, Professor, Grundklasse, 1954, 1960-1976
  • Wolfgang Tillmans, Gastprofessor 1998-1999
  • Joe Tilson, Grafik, Gastprofessor 1971-1972
  • Andrea Tippel, Professorin, Grundlagen/Orientierung, 1997-2011
  • Willi Titze, Dozent, Malerei 1914-1956
  • Samo Tomšič, Gastprofessor Theorie und Geschichte, 2022-2024
  • Fritz Trautwein, Professor, Architektur, 1956-1973
  • Eberhard Troeger, Professor, Fotografie, 1953-1964
  • Heinz Trökes, Dozent, Freie Grafik, 1956-1958
  • Gisela Tuchtenhagen, Visuelle Kommunikation, Gastprofessorin, 1977-1979
  • Wolfgang Tümpel, Professor, Metallwerkstatt, 1951-1968


  • Markus Vater, Gastprofessor, Malerei/Zeichnen, 2014-2015
  • Carl Vogel, Professor 1962-1989, Präsident 1976-1989
  • Jan Voss, Gastprofessor, Malerei, 1966-1967


  • Peter Wächtler, Bildhauerei, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 2018/19
  • Günter Wallraff, Pädagogik, Gastprofessor, mehrfach zwischen 1974-1994
  • Franz Erhard Walther, Professor, Freie Kunst, 1971-2005
  • Jos (Joseph Pierre) Weber, Professor, Architektur, 1968-2003
  • Lawrence Weiner, Gastprofessor, Sommersemester 1975 u. 1989
  • Gesine Weinmiller, Professorin, Architektur, 2000-2005
  • Susanne Weirich, Professorin, Architektur, Dreidimensionales Gestalten, 2000-2007
  • Franz Weisse, Professor, Buchbinderei-Klasse, 1907-1942
  • Wim Wenders, Professor für Narrativen Film, 2004-2017
  • Conrad Westphal, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Sommersemester 1954
  • Ignatz Wiemeler, Professor, Buchkunst, 1945-1952
  • Carl Heinz Wienert, Professor, Kunstpädagogik, 1959-1963
  • Ludwig Wilding, Professor, Industrial Design, 1969-1992
  • Emmet Williams, Gastprofessor, Wintersemester 1982/83, Wintersemester 1984/85
  • Bernhard Winking, Professor, Architektur, 1964-1999
  • Fritz Winter, Gastprofessor, Malerei, Sommersemester 1953
  • Uli Winters, Design, Gastprofessor, 2007-2008
  • Franz Winzentsen, Professor, Animationsfilm, 1987-2001
  • Julius Wohlers, Professor, Malerei, 1908-1931
  • Paul Wunderlich, Lehrbeauftragter für Grafische Techniken 1951-60, Professor, Grafik, 1963-1968
  • Stefan Wunderwald, Gastprofessor, Grafik/Typografie/Fotografie, 2013-2016


  • Haegue Yang, Gastprofessorin, Bildhauerei, 2008-2010


  • Peter Zander, Professor, Architektur, 1986-2006
  • Rolf Zander, Professor, Kunstpädagogik, 1968-1999
  • Lena Ziese, Professorin, Kunstpädagogik, 2012-2018
  • David Zink Yi, Bildhauerei, Gastprofessor, 2015-2016
  • Heimo Zobernig, Gastprofessor, Sommersemester 1995

Jahresausstellung 2019, Arbeit von Hanna Naske und Florence Schreiber (Klasse Prof Raimund Bauer); photo: Lukes Engelhardt

Grande Finale

At the end of the year, we invite you to a varied program of events with a film premiere by Omer Fast at the Abaton Kino, a book presentation and the student book fair at the Extended Library, the ASA-Open Studios and a new exhibition at ICAT. Better than snow!

A sculpture of a small elephant that functions as a climbing frame in a park in Hamburg

Der Elefant im (öffentlichen) Raum Hamburg

The Elephant in The Room – Sculpture today

The two-day symposium on December 2 and 3, 2024, is dedicated to current issues and developments in the field of sculpture. It will be accompanied by an exhibition at the HFBK Hamburg's ICAT.

Exhibition view on the occasion of Hiscox Art Prize 2024; photo: Tim Albrecht

Hiscox Art Prize 2024

The HFBK Hamburg cordially invites to the award ceremony of the Hiscox Art Prize 2024 and to the opening of the exhibition with the nominated artists.

The cinema in the new film house, Finkenau 42; photo: Tim Albrecht

Opening of the 2024/25 semester centred on the new film house

After six decades of outstanding film education at the HFBK Hamburg, we will celebrate the opening of the new film house on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 with the start of the academic year. We will also introduce the new professors and welcome the new students.

Graphic design of the exhibition title

"The New Woman - How Female Artists and Designers shaped the Image of Modernism", graphic by Liudmila Savelyeva, Karla Krey, Amira Mostafa (Klasse Digitale Grafik)

The New Woman

The exhibition "The New Woman - How Female Artists and Designers Shaped the Image of Modernism" presents more than 50 works by 14 selected female artists and designers who studied at the Staatliche Kunstgewerbeschule zu Hamburg, the predecessor institution of the HFBK, from 1907 onwards. At a time when women were still denied access to many other art academies.

Matthis Frickhœffer in his installation "Framing Electric Dreams" (with Sebastian Kommer) as part of the exhibition "Imaging Health I" 2022 at the ICAT of the HFBK Hamburg; photo: Tim Albrecht

Doing a PhD at the HFBK Hamburg

The HFBK Hamburg is the first art academy in Germany to offer a PhD in Art Practice. At the start of the programme, we are looking for artistic doctoral projects that deal with changing health concepts and the diverse social transformation processes from an artistic perspective. Apply now!

Fade-in of the Hannah Arendt sequence from the conversation with Günter Gaus at the start of the conversation between Juliane Rebentisch and Natan Sznaider in the auditorium of the HFBK Hamburg on 7 June 2024; photo: Maximilian Glas

Summer of theory

The past semester was filled with lectures, discussions, panels and talks. Here we offer a brief look back at the summer of Theory 2024 with the lecture series "Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism in Art", the project "Archives of the Body - The Body of Archiving" as well as the talks with Natan Sznaider.

Detail: Installation by Mark Morris; photo: Tim Albrecht

Graduate Show 2024 - Letting Go

From 12 to 14 July 2024 (2 - 8 p.m.), more than 160 graduates from the 2023/24 academic year will be showing their final artistic works in a comprehensive exhibition at the HFBK Hamburg. In addition, all graduation films will be presented in the new cinema hall of the Filmhaus at Finkenau 42 as part of Final Cut.

Julia Scher, Territorium, 2024, installationview at ICAT of HFBK Hamburg; photo: Tim Albrecht

Finkenwerder Art Prize 2024

The US artist Julia Scher will receive the Finkenwerder Art Prize 2024, while Anna Stüdeli, who studied sculpture at the HFBK Hamburg, will be honoured with the Finkenwerder Grant from the HFBK.

Archives of the Body - The Body in Archiving

With a symposium, an exhibition, a film programme and a digital publication, the research project conceived by Prof. Hanne Loreck and Vanessa Gravenor examines the "archive" as a form of order with regard to the human body. Which body archives and discourses have become established? What potentials for political-aesthetic resistance and activism could and can emerge?

Sharon Poliakine, Untitled, 2023, oil on canvas, detail

New partnership with the School of Arts at the University of Haifa

On the occasion of a new partnership with the School of Arts at the University of Haifa, the HFBK Hamburg is presenting an exhibition by the artists Birgit Brandis, Sharon Poliakine and HFBK students.

photo: Ronja Lotz

Exhibition recommendations

Numerous exhibitions with HFBK participation are currently on display. We present a small selection and invite you to visit the exhibitions during the term break.

Visitors of the annual exhibition 2024; photo: Lukes Engelhardt

Annual Exhibition 2024 at the HFBK Hamburg

From February 9 -11, 2024 (daily 2-8 pm) the students of HFBK Hamburg present their artistic productions from the past year. In addition, the exhibition »Think & Feel! Speak & Act!« curated by Nadine Droste, as well as the presentation of exchange students from Goldsmiths, University of London, can be seen at ICAT.

Examination of the submitted portfolios

How to apply: study at HFBK Hamburg

The application period for studying at the HFBK Hamburg runs from 1 February to 5 March 2024, 4 p.m. All important information can be found here.

photo: Tim Albrecht

(Ex)Changes of / in Art

There's a lot going on at the HFBK Hamburg at the end of the year: exhibitions at ICAT, the ASA students' Open Studios in Karolinenstraße, performances in the Extended Library and lectures in the Aula Wartenau.

Extended Libraries

Knowledge is now accessible from anywhere, at any time. In such a scenario, what role(s) can libraries still play? How can they support not only as knowledge archives but also as facilitators of artistic knowledge production? As an example, we present library projects by students and alumni, as well as our new knowledge space: the Extended Library.

And Still I Rise

For over 20 years, US artist Rajkamal Kahlon has been interested in the connections between aesthetics and power, which are organized across historical and geographical boundaries, primarily through violence. With this solo exhibition, the HFBK Hamburg presents the versatile work of the professor of painting and drawing to the Hamburg art public for the first time.

photo: Lukes Engelhardt

photo: Lukes Engelhardt

No Tracking. No Paywall.

Just Premium Content! The (missing) summer offers the ideal opportunity to catch up on what has been missed. In our media library, faculty, students and alumni share knowledge and discussions with us - both emotional moments and controversial discourses. Through podcasts and videos, they contribute to current debates and address important topics that are currently in focus.

Let's talk about language

There are currently around 350 international students studying at the HFBK Hamburg, who speak 55 different languages - at least these are the official languages of their countries of origin. A quarter of the teaching staff have an international background. And the trend is rising. But how do we deal productively with the multilingualism of university members in everyday life? What ways of communication can be found? The current Lerchenfeld issue looks at creative solutions for dealing with multilingualism and lets numerous former international students have their say.

photo: Miriam Schmidt / HFBK

Graduate Show 2023: Unfinished Business

From July 13 to 16, 2023, 165 Bachelor's and Master's graduates of the class of 2022/23 will present their final projects from all areas of study. Under the title Final Cut, all graduation films will be shown on a big screen in the auditorium of the HFBK Hamburg.

A disguised man with sunglasses holds a star-shaped sign for the camera. It says "Suckle". The picture is taken in black and white.

photo: Honey-Suckle Company

Let`s work together

Collectives are booming in the art world. And they have been for several decades. For the start of the summer semester 2023, the new issue of the Lerchenfeld Magazine is dedicated to the topic of collective practice in art, presents selected collectives, and also explores the dangers and problems of collective working.

Jahresausstellung 2023, Arbeit von Toni Mosebach / Nora Strömer; photo: Lukes Engelhardt

Annual Exhibition 2023 at HFBK Hamburg

From February 10-12, students from all departments will present their artistic works at Lerchenfeld 2, Wartenau 15 and AtelierHaus, Lerchenfeld 2a. At ICAT, Tobias Peper, Artistic Director of the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, curates an exhibition with HFBK master students. Also 10 exchange students from Goldsmiths, University of London will show their work there.

Symposium: Controversy over documenta fifteen

With this symposium on documenta fifteen on the 1st and 2nd of February, the HFBK Hamburg aims to analyze the background and context, foster dialogue between different viewpoints, and enable a debate that explicitly addresses anti-Semitism in the field of art. The symposium offers space for divergent positions and aims to open up perspectives for the present and future of exhibition making.

ASA Open Studios winter semester 2021/22; photo: Marie-Theres Böhmker

ASA Open Studios winter semester 2021/22; photo: Marie-Theres Böhmker

The best is saved until last

At the end of the year, once again there will be numerous exhibitions and events with an HFBK context. We have compiled some of them here. You will also find a short preview of two lectures of the professionalization program in January.

Non-Knowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image, Grafik: Leon Lothschütz

Non-Knowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image, Grafik: Leon Lothschütz

Festival and Symposium: Non-Knowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image

As the final part of the artistic research project, the festival and symposium invite you to screenings, performances, talks, and discussions that explore the potential of the moving images and the (human and non-human) body to overturn our habitual course and change the dominant order of things.

Solo exhibition by Konstantin Grcic

From September 29 to October 23, 2022, Konstantin Grcic (Professor of Industrial Design) will be showing a room-sized installation at ICAT - Institute for Contemporary Art & Transfer at the HFBK Hamburg consisting of objects designed by him and existing, newly assembled objects. At the same time, the space he designed for workshops, seminars and office workstations in the AtelierHaus will be put into operation.

Amna Elhassan, Tea Lady, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm

Amna Elhassan, Tea Lady, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm

Art and war

"Every artist is a human being". This statement by Martin Kippenberger, which is as true as it is existentialist (in an ironic rephrasing of the well-known Beuys quote), gets to the heart of the matter in many ways. On the one hand, it reminds us not to look away, to be (artistically) active and to raise our voices. At the same time, it is an exhortation to help those who are in need. And that is a lot of people at the moment, among them many artists. That is why it is important for art institutions to discuss not only art, but also politics.

Merlin Reichert, Die Alltäglichkeit des Untergangs, Installation in der Galerie der HFBK; photo: Tim Albrecht

Graduate Show 2022: We’ve Only Just Begun

From July 8 to 10, 2022, more than 160 Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates of the class of 2021/22 will present their final projects from all majors. Under the title Final Cut, all graduation films will be shown on a big screen in the auditorium of the HFBK Hamburg. At the same time, the exhibition of the Sudanese guest lecturer Amna Elhassan can be seen in the HFBK gallery in the Atelierhaus.

Grafik: Nele Willert, Dennise Salinas

Grafik: Nele Willert, Dennise Salinas

June is full of art and theory

It has been a long time since there has been so much on offer: a three-day congress on the visuality of the Internet brings together international web designers; the research collective freethought discusses the role of infrastructures; and the symposium marking the farewell of professor Michaela Ott takes up central questions of her research work.

Renée Green. ED/HF, 2017. Film still. Courtesy of the artist, Free Agent Media, Bortolami Gallery, New York, and Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin/Cologne/Munich.

Renée Green. ED/HF, 2017. Film still. Courtesy of the artist, Free Agent Media, Bortolami Gallery, New York, and Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin/Cologne/Munich.

Finkenwerder Art Prize 2022

The Finkenwerder Art Prize, initiated in 1999 by the Kulturkreis Finkenwerder e.V., has undergone a realignment: As a new partner, the HFBK Hamburg is expanding the prize to include the aspect of promoting young artists and, starting in 2022, will host the exhibition of the award winners in the HFBK Gallery. This year's Finkenwerder Art Prize will be awarded to the US artist Renée Green. HFBK graduate Frieda Toranzo Jaeger receives the Finkenwerder Art Prize for recent graduates.

Amanda F. Koch-Nielsen, Motherslugger; photo: Lukas Engelhardt

Amanda F. Koch-Nielsen, Motherslugger; photo: Lukas Engelhardt

Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext von Kunst und Kunsthochschule

Im Bewusstsein einer ausstehenden fundamentalen gesellschaftlichen Transformation und der nicht unwesentlichen Schrittmacherfunktion, die einem Ort der künstlerischen Forschung und Produktion hierbei womöglich zukommt, hat sich die HFBK Hamburg auf den Weg gemacht, das Thema strategisch wie konkret pragmatisch für die Hochschule zu entwickeln. Denn wer, wenn nicht die Künstler*innen sind in ihrer täglichen Arbeit damit befasst, das Gegebene zu hinterfragen, genau hinzuschauen, neue Möglichkeiten, wie die Welt sein könnte, zu erkennen und durchzuspielen, einem anderen Wissen Gestalt zu geben

New studio in the row of houses at Lerchenfeld

New studio in the row of houses at Lerchenfeld, in the background the building of Fritz Schumacher; photo: Tim Albrecht

Raum für die Kunst

After more than 40 years of intensive effort, a long-cherished dream is becoming reality for the HFBK Hamburg. With the newly opened studio building, the main areas of study Painting/Drawing, Sculpture and Time-Related Media will finally have the urgently needed studio space for Master's students. It simply needs space for their own ideas, for thinking, for art production, exhibitions and as a depot.

Martha Szymkowiak / Emilia Bongilaj, Installation “Mmh”; photo: Tim Albrecht

Martha Szymkowiak / Emilia Bongilaj, Installation “Mmh”; photo: Tim Albrecht

Annual Exhibition 2022 at the HFBK

After last year's digital edition, the 2022 annual exhibition at the HFBK Hamburg will once again take place with an audience. From 11-13 February, students from all departments will present their artistic work in the building at Lerchenfeld, Wartenau 15 and the newly opened Atelierhaus.

Annette Wehrmann, photography from the series Blumensprengungen, 1991-95; photo: Ort des Gegen e.V., VG-Bild Kunst Bonn

Annette Wehrmann, photography from the series Blumensprengungen, 1991-95; photo: Ort des Gegen e.V., VG-Bild Kunst Bonn

Conference: Counter-Monuments and Para-Monuments.

The international conference at HFBK Hamburg on December 2-4, 2021 – jointly conceived by Nora Sternfeld and Michaela Melián –, is dedicated to the history of artistic counter-monuments and forms of protest, discusses aesthetics of memory and historical manifestations in public space, and asks about para-monuments for the present.

23 Fragen des Institutional Questionaire, grafisch umgesetzt von Ran Altamirano auf den Türgläsern der HFBK Hamburg zur Jahresausstellung 2021; photo: Charlotte Spiegelfeld

23 Fragen des Institutional Questionaire, grafisch umgesetzt von Ran Altamirano auf den Türgläsern der HFBK Hamburg zur Jahresausstellung 2021; photo: Charlotte Spiegelfeld


Who speaks? Who paints which motif? Who is shown, who is not? Questions of identity politics play an important role in art and thus also at the HFBK Hamburg. In the current issue, the university's own Lerchenfeld magazine highlights university structures as well as student initiatives that deal with diversity and identity.

photo: Klaus Frahm

photo: Klaus Frahm

Summer Break

The HFBK Hamburg is in the lecture-free period, many students and teachers are on summer vacation, art institutions have summer break. This is a good opportunity to read and see a variety of things:

ASA Open Studio 2019, Karolinenstraße 2a, Haus 5; photo: Matthew Muir

ASA Open Studio 2019, Karolinenstraße 2a, Haus 5; photo: Matthew Muir

Live und in Farbe: die ASA Open Studios im Juni 2021

Since 2010, the HFBK has organised the international exchange programme Art School Alliance. It enables HFBK students to spend a semester abroad at renowned partner universities and, vice versa, invites international art students to the HFBK. At the end of their stay in Hamburg, the students exhibit their work in the Open Studios in Karolinenstraße, which are now open again to the art-interested public.

Studiengruppe Prof. Dr. Anja Steidinger, Was animiert uns?, 2021, Mediathek der HFBK Hamburg, Filmstill

Studiengruppe Prof. Dr. Anja Steidinger, Was animiert uns?, 2021, Mediathek der HFBK Hamburg, Filmstill

Unlearning: Wartenau Assemblies

The art education professors Nora Sternfeld and Anja Steidinger initiated the format "Wartenau Assemblies". It oscillates between art, education, research and activism. Complementing this open space for action, there is now a dedicated website that accompanies the discourses, conversations and events.

Ausstellungsansicht "Schule der Folgenlosigkeit. Übungen für ein anderes Leben" im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg; photo: Maximilian Schwarzmann

Ausstellungsansicht "Schule der Folgenlosigkeit. Übungen für ein anderes Leben" im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg; photo: Maximilian Schwarzmann

School of No Consequences

Everyone is talking about consequences: The consequences of climate change, the Corona pandemic or digitalization. Friedrich von Borries (professor of design theory), on the other hand, is dedicated to consequence-free design. In “School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life” at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, he links collection objects with a "self-learning room" set up especially for the exhibition in such a way that a new perspective on "sustainability" emerges and supposedly universally valid ideas of a "proper life" are questioned.

Annual Exhibition 2021 at the HFBK

Annual exhibition a bit different: From February 12- 14, 2021 students at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts, together with their professors, had developed a variety of presentations on different communication channels. The formats ranged from streamed live performances to video programs, radio broadcasts, a telephone hotline, online conferences, and a web store for editions. In addition, isolated interventions could be discovered in the outdoor space of the HFBK and in the city.

Katja Pilipenko

Katja Pilipenko

Semestereröffnung und Hiscox-Preisverleihung 2020

On the evening of November 4, the HFBK celebrated the opening of the academic year 2020/21 as well as the awarding of the Hiscox Art Prize in a livestream - offline with enough distance and yet together online.

Exhibition Transparencies with works by Elena Crijnen, Annika Faescke, Svenja Frank, Francis Kussatz, Anne Meerpohl, Elisa Nessler, Julia Nordholz, Florentine Pahl, Cristina Rüesch, Janka Schubert, Wiebke Schwarzhans, Rosa Thiemer, Lea van Hall. Organized by Prof. Verena Issel and Fabian Hesse; photo: Screenshot

Exhibition Transparencies with works by Elena Crijnen, Annika Faescke, Svenja Frank, Francis Kussatz, Anne Meerpohl, Elisa Nessler, Julia Nordholz, Florentine Pahl, Cristina Rüesch, Janka Schubert, Wiebke Schwarzhans, Rosa Thiemer, Lea van Hall. Organized by Prof. Verena Issel and Fabian Hesse; photo: Screenshot

Teaching Art Online at the HFBK

How the university brings together its artistic interdisciplinary study structure with digital formats and their possibilities.

Alltagsrealität oder Klischee?; photo: Tim Albrecht

Alltagsrealität oder Klischee?; photo: Tim Albrecht

HFBK Graduate Survey

Studying art - and what comes next? The clichéd images stand their ground: Those who have studied art either become taxi drivers, work in a bar or marry rich. But only very few people could really live from art – especially in times of global crises. The HFBK Hamburg wanted to know more about this and commissioned the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg to conduct a broad-based survey of its graduates from the last 15 years.

Ausstellung Social Design, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Teilansicht; photo: MKG Hamburg

Ausstellung Social Design, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Teilansicht; photo: MKG Hamburg

How political is Social Design?

Social Design, as its own claim is often formulated, wants to address social grievances and ideally change them. Therefore, it sees itself as critical of society – and at the same time optimizes the existing. So what is the political dimension of Social Design – is it a motor for change or does it contribute to stabilizing and normalizing existing injustices?