The members of the HFBK internal jury are selected by the university senate, and are appointed for the period of a year every summer semester.
The HFBK’s jury makes the following decisions:
- The preliminary selection stage for project support applications and one-year stipendium applications from the HFBK-Freundeskreis,
- the awarding of the Karl H. Ditze Jahresstipendien and of the Deutschlandstipendien, and
- nominations for the scholarships awarded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the Cusanuswerk.
Members of the HFBK Jury in SuSe 2024 and WiSe 2024/25
- Prof. Evi Bauer / Prof. Pia Stadtbäumer (Bühnenraum/Bildhauerei)
- Prof. Angela Bulloch (Zeitb. Medien)
- Kai Cui (Werkstattleiter Keramik/Gips)
- Prof. Jesko Fezer (Design)
- Prof. Knoth/Renner (Grafik/Typografie)
- Prof. Anselm Reyle (Malerei/Zeichnen)
- Prof. Bernd Schoch (Film)
- Henriette Weber (student. Vertretung, Bühnenraum)
- Anna Lorbeer (student. Vertretung, Bildhauerei)
Dates SuSe 2024 – WiSe 2024/25: Meetings in room 11
- 7.5.24, 10.30–1 o'clock: Preselection: Freundeskreisprojekte
- 5.11.24, 10.30-2 o'clock: Preselection: Freundeskreisprojekte, Studienstiftung
- Option: 6.11.24, 10.30-1 o'clock: Selection: Deutschlandstipendien
- 8.1.25, 10.30-1o'clock: Preselection: Master-Jahresstipendien, Selection Stendar-Feuerbaum
Members of the HFBK Jury in SuSe 2023 and WiSe 2023/24
- Prof. Jeanne Faust (Time-based Media)
- Lutz Jelinski (Werkstattleitung Film / digitaler Schnitt)
- Prof. Tobias Zielony (Photographie)
- Prof. Glen-Oliver Löw (Design)
- Prof. Dr. Astrid Mania (Theory and History of Art)
- Prof. Pia Stadtbäumer (Sculpture)
- Prof. Jorinde Voigt (Painting/Drawing)
- Rosa Thiemer / Thies Warnke (students)
Dates SoSe 2023 - WS 2023/24: Meetings in room 11
- 10.5.23, 10.30–1 o'clock: Preselection: Freundeskreisprojekte
- 1.11.23, 10.30-2 o'clock Preselection: Freundeskreisprojekte, Studienstiftung
- 2.11.23, 10.30-2 o'clock: Selection: Deutschlandstipendien
- 10.1.24, 10.30-o'clock: Preselection: Master-Jahresstipendien, Selection Stendar-Feuerbaum