Quality Assessment
- Anna Reuß
- Room:144b Le
- Phone: +49 40 42 89 89-250
- Mail:anna.reuss@hfbk.hamburg.de
Through its quality assessment process, the HFBK Hamburg strives to continuously improve its studies, teaching and research as well as the administrative processes that support them. The aim is to promote free artistic development and to improve the administrative processes that support it. The quality assessment procedure at the HFBK is methodologically divided into three components.
- Information on the choice of study place as well as on the general study and doctoral conditions is collected quantitatively. The results of regular surveys of first-year students, students, doctoral candidates, graduates, alumni and administrative institutions are incorporated into the evaluation process.
- On the basis of these results, a commission appointed by the University Senate formulates institutional, administrative and organisational possibilities for improvement as well as corresponding recommendations for action in a qualitative-interpretative working group (AG Qualitätsbewertung). The AG Qualitätsbewertung consists of professors, representatives of the academic staff, students and administrative staff.
Members of the AG Qualitätsbewertung:
Prof. Dr. Astrid Mania
Prof. Christoph Knoth
Birgit Brandis
Alexander Holtkamp
Swaantje Benson - Another steering group appointed by the University Senate evaluates the recommendations for action submitted by the AG Qualitätsbewertung and derives appropriate measures. The steering group includes all members of the Presidential Board, the chairperson of the AG Qualitätsbewertung, one lecturer and one student.
The detailed description of the procedure can be found in the Regulations for Quality Assessment at the University of Fine Arts.