100 years at Lerchenfeld
From October 9th to 11th, 2013, we at HFBK Hamburg have been celebrating the history of our main building which has now been in situ at Lerchenfeld 2 for one hundred years. Lerchenfeld, the name of the street, has become a synonyme for cultural activities and education in fine arts, with a reputation far beyond the borders of Hamburg. Our striking Fritz Schumacher building was completed and designated as a »school of art and craft« in 1913. Precisely one hundred years later, the series of special events opened with a special ceremony in the extensively restored assembly hall. On the 11th of October, this series of events culminated in a huge all-night party taking over the whole building.
Wednesday, 9. October 2013
Ceremony and inauguration of the newly restored assembly hall with Hamburgs Lord Mayor Olaf Scholz, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sigrid Weigel (Director of Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Böhme (Professor em. für Kulturtheorie und Mentalitätsgeschichte an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
Thursday, 10. October 2013
WÜZSK: Design Symposium
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Friedrich von Borries
Das Kino ist tot, es lebe das Kino! Film Symposium
Chair: Luise Donschen, Prof. Angela Schanelec, Prof. Wim Wenders
Relax and be inspired: LiLaLerchenfeld video installation, Egoshooter installation, Salon de Papier, Plattenkiste shop
Friday, 11. October 2013
Kann man die Kunst lehren (und falls ja, wie)? Panel discussion on art teaching, chairman: Prof. Dr. Michael Diers
Relax and be inspired: LiLaLerchenfeld video installation, Egoshooter installation, Salon de Papier, Plattenkiste
Party all over the building w/
Palais Schaumburg, DJ Phono, Felix Kubin, Asmus Tietchens, Möbius,
Thomas Baldischwyler, Nika Breithaupt, Phuong-Dan, Love-Songs, Me
Succeed, Cardiophon, Hunger, Donna Neda, Arne Zank, Singende Tulpe and
many more