Annual Exhibition 2021
Next Exhibition: February 10-13, 2022
A large majority of the students will present their current works – many of them created under the influence of the pandemic in the past months – behind closed doors in their studio rooms. And you can join!
No trace of screen fatigue. Many works were created expressly for virtual space. The formats range from project-specific websites, video screenings and online lectures to an web shop for photographs.
Sensual despite virtual. Through digital exhibition tours, streamed live performances, animated 3D models, and a telephone hotline, works become visible to the public via the HFBK website or their own Instagram accounts. In addition, works can be viewed pandemically in the fresh air and with sufficient distance.
Projects by class:
Prof. Raimund Bauer
Prof. Robert Bramkamp
Prof. Adam Broomberg & Prof. Oliver Chanarin
Studio Experimentelles Design (Prof. Jesko Fezer)
Klasse Digitale Grafik (Prof. Christoph Knoth / Prof. Konrad Renner)
Klasse Grafik (Prof. Ingo Offermanns)
Zusätzliches Programm
Im Livestream:
- 12.2.2021, 15 Uhr: Performance von Julia Weitze und Agatha Kosobucki als Live-Stream auf Instagram @klassestadtbaeumer.hfbk / @klasse.bulloch.hfbk
- 12.2.2021, 17-19 Uhr, PUBLIC ONLINE TALK: What is Para-Educational Research? Mit Prof: Dr. Nora Sternfeld und Prof. Dr. Anja Steidinger, ZOOM-Meeting
- 13.2.2021, 12-19 Uhr: Performance von Johan-Pertti Hagelstein, Hyaluron-Rasen im Livestream:
- 13.2.2021, 13 Uhr: Performance von Anna Armann & Naomi Sam, Transgourmet (missing FOMO) im Livestream:
- 13.2.2021, 17:45 Uhr, Delia Prezioso, Aquarium, Livestream: @klassestadtbaeumer.hfbk
- 13.2.2021, 18 Uhr, Annika Burmester, Körperübung und Raumerkundung, Livestream:@klassestadtbaeumer.hfbk
- 13.2.2021, 18:15 Uhr, Elena Crijnen und Francisca Markus, time is not just numbers, Livestream: @klassestadtbaeumer.hfbk
- 13.2.2021, 18:30 Uhr, Francisca Markus, for another unintelligible crawl, Livestream: @klassestadtbaeumer.hfbk
- 13.2.2021, 18:45 Uhr, Julia Weitze, Relative Realitäten - Performancedokumentation, Livestream: @klassestadtbaeumer.hfbk
- Sarah Matthies, Spielgerät IV, Finkenau 42, Hof
- Holztor vor der HFBK: Luzia Cruz, Weria Ebrahimi, Vicente Hirmas, Algirdas Jakas, Saray Purto Hoffmann, Konstantin Schrenck-Notzing
- Die Klasse Büttner zeigt eine Ausstellung in dem Schaufenster des Projektraums Kanister (Rentzelstraße 36-40, 20146 Hamburg), Instagram: @kanister.raum
- Lynne Pankow bei Paletti Naturwaren (Rutschbahn 5, 20146 Hamburg)