Application Bachelor »Fine Arts«
Do you have any further questions regarding the application process?
You can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions on our FAQ page.
Requirements for Admission
Students who demonstrate a special artistic aptitude in an entrance examination in accordance with Section 37 (3) of the Hamburg University Act are entitled to study the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program.
The decision on the existence of the special artistic aptitude is made by an entrance examination commission on the basis of the conception as well as the design and realization ability in the chosen artistic media. The entrance examination committee decides on the basis of the submitted work samples whether the special artistic aptitude is present.
In addition to the special artistic aptitude, proof of sufficient German language skills must be provided (see Step 2: Digital application portfolio).
To the application process Bachelor »Fine Arts« for the Bachelor
Applications are only possible for the winter semester. The following application steps are required during the application period from February 4 to March 5, 2025, 4 p.m. (deadline):
Step 1: Online application
Please create an applicant account in HISinOne. As soon as you start your application, it will receive an application number to which you can refer if you have any questions.
Step 2: digital application folder
If you have sent your online application, an upload link is available in your applicant account
Upload your digital artistic application portfolio with works including PDF files, videos, films, documentation of performances (for the "Film" department, cinematic works of all kinds should be submitted, ideally in full running time, not in the form of trailers. Also welcomed are script drafts, storyboards, photographs, drawings, collages, sketchbooks, or similar examples) from the past two years along with the documents listed below. They should be summarised in ONE PDF document:
- Curriculum vitae in German or English language
- A proof of school and if applicable university education; foreign applicants must submit a copy of a school or university leaving certificate with a translation in German or English, unless the original certificate was issued in German or English. If you do not receive your certificate until after the application period, please submit a copy of your semi-annual report. Chinese applicants are requested to have the translation of their certificates certified by the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) of the Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Beijing.
- Proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language.
(Proof is provided by presenting the certificate of completion of school or university education at a German-speaking institution or by presenting the certificate of one of the language examinations for university attendance recognized by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder). Certificates of participation in German courses in accordance with the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" up to and including level A2 (approx. 360 teaching hours) at the Goethe-Institut or another language school are also accepted as sufficient proof. In this case, these language skills must be intensified during the first two semesters in an intensive language course. If you are still attending a language course at the time of application and only complete it after the application deadline, please indicate this in your application folder.)
The file size is limited to 8 GB. It is no longer possible to submit a physical application portfolio. Late, incomplete and/or by e-mail received applications or subsequently submitted documents cannot be considered.
You don't have to spend any extra money to have your application portfolio professionally digitized. Simply use your smartphone or photo camera to document your work.
All documents/work uploaded with the digital application portfolio will be considered for your application to the HFBK Hamburg. Links to external platforms will not be considered.
Selection procedure
At the end of the application period, an entrance examination committee will examine the application folders. The commission is composed of three professors, one member of the intermediate academic staff with voting rights and two students without voting rights.
The commission evaluates the application portfolios in categories A (admission) and C (denial). Applicants who are rated A can start their studies in the following winter semester.
The decision on admission to the program is made by the end of April of the application year at the latest. If the admission committee is not already able to make a clear decision based on the digital portfolio, you may be invited to a short personal interview with your physical application file (application file with the original artistic works). The interviews usually take place from mid to late April. Please refrain from making inquiries until then!
You will find all information and decisions in your applicant account in HISinOne.
Your application data will be stored for a maximum of 12 months.
And further:
Admission to the degree programme is governed by the enrolment, minor and guest student regulations of the Hamburg University of Fine Arts.
After passing the entrance examination, applicants receive admission to the University of Fine Arts Hamburg. Admission is only valid for the following winter semester.
If the place is not taken up, the admission expires and a complete application must be submitted by the next application deadline.
If you do not pass the entrance examination, you can submit a complete application by the next application deadline.
Acceptance of the offer of admission and enrolment
Have you received an offer of admission? Congratulations!
In order to enrol successfully, you must first accept the study place.
The deadline for accepting a place will be stated in the letter of admission. To do this, log in to the application portal with your access data and go to your application. There you will now find the "Accept place" button.
If you are unable to start your degree programme, you also have the option to decline the place here.
Once you have accepted the place, you can enrol online at the start of the enrolment period. You will be asked for further information and documents relevant to enrolment.
For formal matters, such as required documents and procedures and for questions on the content of the application:
- Aliaksandra Petrusevich
- Room:Wartenau 15, Raum 04a
- Phone: +49 40 428 989-363
- Fax: +49 40 42 89 89-377
Opening Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 10 am-noon and 1-3 pm
and individually by appointment
- Study Guidelines for the Bachelor study programme »Fine Arts« until the end of summer semester 2021
- Examination Regulations for the Bachelor study programme »Fine Arts« until the end of summer semester 2021
- Examination Regulations for the Bachelor study programme »Fine Arts« from the wintersemester 21/22 on