Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
This advancement programme belonging to the largest and oldest German scholarship institution offers awards in the area of art as well as in the areas of design, film, typography, graphic art and stage imagery.
The nomination procedure at the HFBK Hamburg:
Each study department (except Theory and History) can propose up to two candidates* at the 18. October. At the 5. November, the maximum of 14 candidates* present their work to the HFBK jury, which nominates up to 7 students (4 of the arts, 3 of the graphics/design/film departments) for the Studienstiftung; at the beginning of the new year, the Studienstiftung will select its final scholarship holders in spring 2025 on the basis of presentations.
Criteria for nomination:
- Candidates* must not be older than 35 years at the time of application (deadline is 01.04.2025).
- Candidates* must be at least in their 3rd (BA) semester at the time of nomination.
- MA students must be in their 1st MA semester at the time of nomination.
- After WS 2024/23, candidates* must still have at least 2 semesters of standard period of study until completion of the Master's degree (i.e. only Bachelor's students and 1st Master's semester students are admitted).
- Applicants* have the best chances between the 4th and 6th semester for Bachelors and in the 1st Master semester.
- All EU citizens (including students from candidate countries) may be nominated for the scholarship
- Proposals for the funding of second and supplementary studies are excluded.
Students in bursary programme
as of 2024
Valerio Sampognaro, Design
Loerdy Wesely, Bildhauerei
Enes Yurdaün, Film
as of 2023
Irini Schwab, Design
Amin Motalebzadeh, Film
Lena Kunz, Fotografie/Bildhauerei
Leonie Wahler, Zeitbezogene Medien
as of 2022
Tina Henkel, Design
Monika Orpik, Fotografie
Sandra Makhlouf, Film
Paul Jonathan Stümke, Film
Lili Süper, Bühnenbild
as of 2021
Belia Brückner, Zeitbezogene Medien
Lara Molenda, Design
Marlon Weber, Film
as of 2020
Raphaela Andrade Cordova, Bühnenraum
Laurel Chokoago, Zeitbezogene Medien
as of 2019
Vicente Hirmas Schmidt-Timmermann, Bildhauerei
Salka Tiziana Poeschel García-Courtoy, Film
Anas Saleh, Film
Szerafina Schiesser, Bildhauerei
Martha von Mechow, Film
as of 2018
Jamil Jalla, Zeitbezogene Medien
Tanita Olbrich, Film
Pia Schmikl, Zeitbezogene Medien
Jakob Spengemann, Bühnenraum
as of 2017
Noémi Barbaglia, Bildhauerei
Signe Raunkjær Holm, Zeitbezogene Medien
as of 2016
Leonie Rottmann, Zeitbezogene Medien
Laslo Strong, Grafik/Typografie/Fotografie
as of 2015
Daniel Hopp, Zeitbezogene Medien
Lulu Eliza MacDonald, Bildhauerei
Badrieh Wanli, Zeitbezogene Medien
as of 2014
Torben Wessel, Malerei/Zeichnen
as of 2013
Magnus Gburek, Design
Saskia Senge, Zeitbezogene Medien
Lisa Sperling, Film
Nuriye Tohermes, Design
as of 2011
Jens Franke, Zeitbezogene Medien
Marlene Denningmann, Film
Björn Last, Film
as of 2010
Nina Hollensteiner, Bildhauerei
Helena Wittmann, Film
as of 2009
Susanne Itzel, Freie Kunst
as of 2007
Lena Schmidt, Freie Kunst
as of 2006
Nora Klasing, Design
- Sabine Boshamer
- Room:145a Le
- Phone: +49 40 42 89 89-205
- Yalda Afsah
- Room:R 313 Wa15, R318 Wa15